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What's wrong with Creativity?


When I grew up I learned that 'only artists' could be creative. I was told that I can only be creative when I am an artist.


So, all my life I believed that I couldn't be an artist because everytime I tried a variety of artistic disciplines I was told that I lacked creativity. Oh dear, I felt doomed!


Then one day I strolled through a small village and saw a man sitting outside his cottage whittling away. When I approached him I saw that he made small animals out of wood. He looked up and invited me to sit next to him.

I picked up some of the wooden animals and was awestruck by their beauty and craftsmanship.


"You are an amazing artist," I said. He looked up and replied: "No, I'm not. I'm being creative."

"What's the difference?" I asked.

"Creativity is not about art," he said. "Creativity is about inspiration and doing something you have a great passion for. And yes, art can be the result of creativity, but creativity always comes before art."


Here I had my answer I had been looking for since I was young. I can be creative in any area of my life even if I don't produce anything tangible.



I know of the struggles many of you go through to find your unique creative Self, that's why I have become a coach - to help and support you to make your dreams come true.



Do you want to create your Craft based on your dreams?

Do you listen to your imagination more than to social education?

What would it take to realise your dreams?


To read more about coaching click on more.






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