Another IlLOOMinating Craft I practice is that of Coaching -
I am a 'Creativity Coach'.
If you resonate with the questions below, then you might be a Creative Oddball like
I used to be - someone who is greatly talented and skilled, but experiences the frustration
of too many obstacles (mostly self-limiting beliefs) to make a living from your Craft. I am
still a Creative Oddball, but one who has discovered her Craft.
- Do you want to earn a living by doing what you love most?
- Did you grow up with the belief that you were not creative?
- Were you told that you could never be an artist?
- Do you feel you have to be a 'starving artist'?
- Are you skilled and talented, yet you can't seem to be financially successful?
- Do you long for more creative expression in any area of your life?
> What if you could be creative, run a business and be successful?
> What if you could become aware of what is stopping you?
> What if you had a magic wand to create your dreams. Would you use it?
> What if there was a solution to what you desire most?
If all that makes sense to you, what are you waiting for?
It is my great passion to help people like you to unleash their creative potential and
achieve their dreams.
I know that we all bring unique skills and talents into this world that want to be
expressed, and furthermore that we are Greatness beyond belief.
Would you like to know more about Creativity Coaching? Then don't be shy. I am
here to help you make a difference in your life. Let's just talk!

Thanks to coaching, we are living our dreams!